How to get rid of Acne Misconception

Moon Huda
3 min readFeb 1, 2021

The Truth About Acne:-

Advance techniques for acne elimination

There are so many misconceptions about what exactly causes acne and why certain people suffer from it while others live a blemish-free life, never having to experience the pain from excessive acne.

With these myths and ridiculous notions comes another set of problems. People suffering from acne are so desperate to eliminate it, that they try all sorts of different approaches, from modifying their diet to over-tanning believing that it will minimize acne permanently.

Doing efforts to get rid of acne

These methods can end up being detrimental to your attempts at controlling your acne, and in many cases can actually intensify your acne and cause it to get worse. In some cases, these ‘instant cure remedies’ can end up causing permanent scarring.

So, what is acne really all about?

For starters, regardless of what you’ve heard, acne is not life-threatening and no one has ever died from acne itself. By clinical terms, acne is described as being caused by a hormonal imbalance, clinically coined as ‘chronic inflammation’, or ‘systemic inflammation’.

A funny thing man hanging flowers on his acne

With chronic inflammation, the primary culprit is poor digestion, accompanied by a poor diet.

Another primary cause of acne is when pores on your body become clogged, typically your face, neck, upper body, back and even chest.

When it comes to the different types of acne, there are five individual categories based on the severity and skin damage caused by acne, including:

Comedos Papule Pustule Nodule Cyst

Symptoms of acne such as blackheads and whiteheads belong to the comedic category, with cysts being classified as belonging to the nodule category.

Covering her face so couldn’t reveal the Acne

Another word for acne is “Acne Vulgaris”, a form of acne, which commonly occurs during puberty.

It primarily affects the back, face and chest. Acne vulgaris affects teenage boys and girls. Nearly 30–40% of teenage boys are affected between the ages of 18 and 19 years old. Girls are generally affected between the ages of 16–18 years.

Here is how acne is characterized by certain groups that can determine the severity of your acne:

Healthy life style

Black Heads You will suffer from blackheads when your pores are partially blocked which allows some the bacteria, dead skin cells and sebum to escape and drain to the surface of your skin.

The dark colour that comes with blackheads is not dirt and so consistently washing your face will not prevent blackheads from appearing………………………………………

After getting rid of acne

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